Predictive and intelligent monitoring | Supply chain with no limits
The global logistics and supply chain industry has become extremely volatile. Today, all organizations are trying to measure and respond to different challenges and other supply chain disruptions.
In the logistics world, there are billions of transactions, alarms and shipping logs that are generated daily that cannot be analyzed with conventional tools such as a transportation manager making follow-up phone calls or using manually fed spreadsheets. This task requires a unique, specialized digital monitoring and Business Process Outsourcing.
Observability is digital monitoring with predictability or the ability to predict logistics events before they happen.
Recurso Confiable’s main goal is to deliver accurate and predictive information in three key areas: Trustworthy Collaborators, Real-Time Visibility Platform and Business Process Outsourcing support.

Our power of observability provides precise answers that drive into strategic actions

Our specialized team can use observability to trigger alarms and generate specific actions

Real-Time and automated analysis generates predictive monitoring to act before claims occurs

Real-Time business intelligence dashboards are generated